Rabbi Feldman’s Dvar Torah on April 12, 2005

From: Jonathan Novich
Subject: An Abbreviated Memorial in Palo Alto
To: “Uri”, “Shoshana Lopatin”
Cc: “Rabbi Yitzchok Feldman”, “Rabbi Dov Greenberg”
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 11:11 AM

Dear Shoshana, Uri, and Sara-

I’m certain Amir would have been pleased had we been able to link directly last night for his memorial service. Without the webcast, we felt it would be best to gather when we could remember Amir more appropriately – with a screening of the video you will be uploading soon.

That said, we also wanted to mark the yahrzeit here as well – so Rabbi Feldman spoke about Amir between Mincha and Maariv (attached as an mp3).

Rabbi Dov Greenberg of Chabad at Stanford also offered his reflections on the yahrzeit – they are attached as well (“We all miss him”).

We’re planning to schedule a gathering later this week once the recording of the event in NJ is available.

As for me, a year later, I reflect on the conversations I would have shared with Amir this past year, the insight I am sure he would have brought me, the laughter I am certain we would have enjoyed, and the inspiration I know I would have drawn from the free-spirited, warm-hearted, open-minded, and always-loving Amir.

