my thoughts

I have just lost a father and on seeking information on laws of mourning I came upon this wonderful website. I should say I also lost a sister at the tender age of 31. She was my best friend , my…well my Amir. Well loved, young aspiring mother etc. I remember the line of cars on the way to the cemetary stretched beyond site. Reading the stories, eulogies, poems, thoughts on the site only bring back the feeling of intense loss. Intense doesn’t begin to describe it really. My fathers recent death and my sisters death ,now 19 years ago are a painful reminder of our fragile existence here. It took me many years to forget the pain of her loss, only to be conjured back with another close death. The blessing you have done by posting this site with its heart fealt emotion surely is Amir’s n’shama, his will, giving solace to others he never even knew. May your pain and sorrow be short and his spirit live forever.